After a hectic last month, I can finally sit in peace and continue on the blog which I keep abandoning again and again! The latest is, well, inspite the heavy odds, I made it to Glasgow, to Scotland and well, to the UK! Life here is completely a straight walk in one file. Work goes on so systematically that it scares you sometimes. We Indians are used to having things done in our own time and liesure but not here, if something is given a time to be done, it is done on and at that time whether you like it or not! Take the case of the incident that happened a few days back, I got a notice from the accomodation people here saying that the cleaners would be there doing their job at so and so time and date. I was all ok! whatever type. The notice said to label the stuff in the kitchen belonging to you so that it is not disposed off, something I shouldn't have taken lightly!! The day after the cleaing, I found all my stuff-cup,glass,spoon,cereal,sugar.noodles and all was all taken out to...