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Showing posts from November, 2008

This crazy world..

Time flies by so fast that you really need to pinch youself to realise how much time has gone past since you haven't done anything productive! Its now two and a half months here in Glasgow and the thank you's have changed to cheers and yes'es have become aye! and the world is still moving on. The financial crisis is getting the best of everyone, but strangely not me! I will very proudly narrate to my grandkids about the time when the world was sinking in debt and I was making merry with my new found first job! Working part time at the local football clubs I was making enough to sustain my daily expenses while Jaguar was filing for loans, plane companies were bidding to buy out each other, banking companies were axeing like well built loggers and Woolsworth was being put out into the market for vultures to pick on! Well, with the winter coming up, and after experiencing my first snowfall here, I am really looking forward to working full-time in the vacations so as to save en...