We all often get asked what we do for a living. Many have pretty self explanatory answers: I'm a doctor, I see to it that the ailments the patient is suffering from are identified and a cure prescribed for them, or, I'm a Software Engineer, I develop applications for clients based in India or abroad through coding logic and creating a meaningful solution for them to optimize their processes etc. I often get asked the same question myself, more so because I've been out of touch with friends and family having been out of the county for sometime until recently. I tend to end up confusing people telling them what I do till the point that I get blank stares and half minded nods. I thought I'll give you guys a gist of what I do and what it means to do what I do! A Consultant is one who very much like a doctor, seeks to identify the ailment a business or a process within it faces through understanding the symptoms the patient (company) is showing, and by using standard consul...
"Heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight. But they while their companions slept, were drinking Complan in the night.."