Washing clothes, a part of routine, is considered here as a very important/special day, an event almost. Dates are cancelled, meetings re-scheduled and even travel plans have to adhere to the dreaded "Laundry schedule"! Laundry back home in India was never a major issue partly because the daily maid took care of it and we had a fresh set of clothes as and when needed. The case here is quite the opposite. With the residences I am living in- Kelvinhaugh Street, there are about 300 residents with only 8 washers and the same number of dryer's to take care of the laundry load. This means that the laundry, which is done only once a week (mostly due to time constraints through the week) takes the whole day from getting clothes to the place and bringing them back to the room! Let me describe to you a typical laundry day. You get up earlier than usual (never get up that early to study!!), pack the dirty laundry into whatever bag you can find and run down to the laundry room rea...
"Heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight. But they while their companions slept, were drinking Complan in the night.."