I couldn't help but follow the article I posted below this one with one which actually relates to who I am. Not the seroius analyst I may come across if you've read the one below, but quite the opposite! One who loves to see events in a lighter vein, because things really crack me up. I may end up laughing my head out without anyone noticing and no one would have a clue what I was actually on about inside, so if you ever notice me smirking..
Anyways, I wanted to put up a few things I feel I have come across living here in Scotland, just to give you guys a brief as to how things are on and about here.
1.Aye, aaaye, ay- all varients of the word yes, which you will undoubtedly hear every Scotsman/woman say a billion times during the day.
2.Very passionate people, may even mistake Scotlands victory over France in football as a victory against the French in the middle ages as part of the rebellion against the capture of Mary the Queen of Scotts.
3.There are more pubs here than there are grains of sand on the shores, more than the number of hair on your head (assuming you are not bald), you get the picture.
4.You fall in love with the way the people speak, partially because you are lost in deciphering what they said in the first place, and when you get it, its heaven!
5.The Loch Ness monster is no longer a myth.
6.Never wear green when going to Ibrox, never. You risk being the football at kick-off.
7.Play dead while on the Underground during match days.
8.Don't get tempted to sing Loch lomond if there are only Scotts singing it, its their YMCA if you know what I mean!! (Watch Russel Peters)
9.No use carrying the umbrella, it never rains here, it drizzles, and the day it rains, the winds are of gale force which would render your umbrella useless.
Finally, nothing related to Scotland as such, while writing this piece I realised, Christopher Columbus was just too ahead of his time! He wanted to find an alternate route to India, so he decided to go the wrong way! The other way round the globe! What could the poor chap do if America came in between! Damn captain! India sure turned up earlier than we expected!!! Get my drift?
Anyways, I wanted to put up a few things I feel I have come across living here in Scotland, just to give you guys a brief as to how things are on and about here.
1.Aye, aaaye, ay- all varients of the word yes, which you will undoubtedly hear every Scotsman/woman say a billion times during the day.
2.Very passionate people, may even mistake Scotlands victory over France in football as a victory against the French in the middle ages as part of the rebellion against the capture of Mary the Queen of Scotts.
3.There are more pubs here than there are grains of sand on the shores, more than the number of hair on your head (assuming you are not bald), you get the picture.
4.You fall in love with the way the people speak, partially because you are lost in deciphering what they said in the first place, and when you get it, its heaven!
5.The Loch Ness monster is no longer a myth.
6.Never wear green when going to Ibrox, never. You risk being the football at kick-off.
7.Play dead while on the Underground during match days.
8.Don't get tempted to sing Loch lomond if there are only Scotts singing it, its their YMCA if you know what I mean!! (Watch Russel Peters)
9.No use carrying the umbrella, it never rains here, it drizzles, and the day it rains, the winds are of gale force which would render your umbrella useless.
Finally, nothing related to Scotland as such, while writing this piece I realised, Christopher Columbus was just too ahead of his time! He wanted to find an alternate route to India, so he decided to go the wrong way! The other way round the globe! What could the poor chap do if America came in between! Damn captain! India sure turned up earlier than we expected!!! Get my drift?