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Random shite

My dear blog.

As is customary, I apologize for abandoning you time and time again. You would be glad to know that I am in one of those moods today where I can write on and on. It is sad that I am not in these moods more often. Waking up at random hours while in college, how I used to produce scripts to shame Oscar winners (at least what I used to think!), gone are those days, I long for them, I crave the innocence.

While I am at it, might as well give you an update of the on's and happenings in my wretched and boring(super boring) life. I sit here at 12.00am Saturday morning, fully aware that I don't have work to get up to, aware that I can sleep, aware that I have a million things pending, which will bring me up from my slumber with a thud. The feeling of dis-satisfaction with life has overcome me in the last few months, the reason for which I search like Holmes in a haystack. The emptiness which has filled me, has caused a void, never felt before. I am not one to express such emotions in the first place, but well, there is a time for everything. An year remains as I remind myself, as I listen to a repeat playlist comprising of the Beatles, Pink Floyd, U2, Coldplay and the lot. The songs which take me to a high, a level where I don't need to think, just be swayed by the melodious fringe.

Forgive me oh blog if I rhyme from time to time,
tis' not a habit,
it is just this time in grime,
in you, this I confin(d)e!

On this 10th of December night, I have had a egg and sausage sandwich for dinner, not very proud, but well, I let it simmer. The weather outside seems a tropical bliss, 6 degrees, compared to -15, few days adrift. As was promised, oh blog of mine, I have laid out my lines. I wish health and success to all my well wishers, those who wish no for me, show even a bit of hate, I wish them even better, for they deserve so much more. This is not the sarcasm speaking, it is from deep within, I wish you the best, the very best, so you may live, prosper and grow in this cruel world of ours/yours.

News at this time, the world is gripped with the leaks that scandalize the powers. My only hope, it doesn't arouse more conflict in the already ravaged flower.

I can go on but the clock strikes late.
Up I have to get, so late to bed.
If I don't accomplish the tasks tomorrow,
shan't be heading in the path planned to follow.
So I bid adieu, oh blog of mine, hope to see you soon with open eyes.
Be then oh blog, a media to all, show them how worlds crash and fall.
Be not afraid to breath reality,
as it will give them a reason to laugh at insanity..


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