Why the sudden fascination for blogging you ask? I have a resolution to keep, so there! I will try my best not to justify the title as I most often end up doing. The question which comes to mind is that why people tend to move along the path which is defined, why not go through a path or a patch of sand to reach where you have to? That was a wee bit philosophical. Lets say, a career path. People would want to carry on the path of employment with a well paying company, the path more tarred, as compared to take the sandy path, the road less tarred, or self employment. I have been over the past year been contemplating about this issue, and have serious intention in regard to the same. From nearly opening up a sheesha parlour in Scotland, to scrapping through plans of importing Guinness from Ireland to India, I've been giving it some thought. Also realised, that Maharashtrian people aren't enterprising to the extent Marwaris or Punjabi's are, more hard working no doubt...
"Heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight. But they while their companions slept, were drinking Complan in the night.."