In anguish. In pain. Annoyed. People never seize to amaze me. Sinking to new lows on a daily basis. Am I the only one who makes sense in this crowd of blithering idiots? Or is it me alone who is senile unable to appreciate the random twats I come across? You may choose to close this window if you agree with the latter, (and they lived happily ever after) now. .
I try to come across as a very sensible, understanding, appreciative, and a helpful being which inevitably translates to something which portrays me in a light which frankly, shines weirdly. I have a sinking feeling that I was born into an age where my generation was the "new thing on the block" and I remained unaware that I was supposed to join the pack and instead remained glued to the old traditional values, or the backward, grounded, senile person. I have no doubt that the hipsters of today are fast and learn quick and act like geezers, but give a listen to olden values people! Act mature, not retarded! Its like an example I gave someone a while back, why run into a wall repeatedly in the dark rather than coming to your senses and discovering the door an arms length away? MAKE SENSE, PLEASE.
However hard it is to point out to that rock-of-a brain of yours, try and realize that humans were created by one maker, with the capacity to reason, think, appreciate and make decisions on analytical, logical, sensible parameters which works well for the mutual benefit of our kind. Now, when each one of you has to lead this pack of imbeciles with expanses of blossoming idiocy, how is one to survive on this planet?
Not having the best of experiences on this planet as such, will chose Fahtuk 78 next time, given the option. May peace be with you, try giving thinking logically a shot once in a white sun, will do me of all people a world of good!
Regards to all,
Annoyed Earthling.
The dictionary defines an Entrepreneur as one who undertakes innovations using business, technical and financial acumen to transform them into viable economic goods, or revitalizing and adding value to an organization. It has to be understood that each and every one has an entrepreneurial bent of mind embedded within us. Most of us do not realize that we unknowingly practice this in our day to day lives through finding an innovative solution at home thus saving time or money, or being 'Intrapreneurs' at work, constantly coming up with methods and processes which would be of benefit to the company and the client. I had the opportunity to attend TiECon-2012 (flagship event of the 'The Indus Entrepreneurs' group) held in the last week of September. The primary focus of the event was to bring together like minded individuals from a multitude of business, financial and technological backgrounds to network, share thoughts and ideologies, learn the art of pro-activeness, un...