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Political Chatter

I am of the belief that one should expect the unexpected and in return never expect anything from anyone!
Just like the day I got up on that fine morning and out of the blue ended up at the Le Meredian hearing APJ Kalam sir lecture the audience on Project Management, and later refusing to comment on his hairstyle. Different story.
The former bit has been happening a lot lately which has led me to strengthen my faith on the same.
Just yesterday I had gone for someones** engagement*, held at a close family friends' palatial mansion in Lutyens. After a pathetic performance by the Daredevils with the bat, I was more inclined to watch the Royals slaughter them royally into submission.*** (Pic: I just found the picture funny, maybe a tagline: Congress ka haath, BJP ke saath would work wonders!) The 42 inch plasma was just adding salt to the wounds. My attention wavered when "The Wall" fell limping, (old age jammy cramps) to the distinguished gathering sitting next to me who were discussing country and world affairs with caution, so as to not offend the other. Later did I realize that the debaters apart from our host Mr.Vilas Muttemwar (current Lok Sabha member) were Mr. Janardan Dwivedi, (current Rajya Sabha member), Mr. Lohia, (Director of major manufacturer Indorama) among other high note bankers and civil servants. Discussions ranged from:

-why India should not be compared to China in terms of manufacturing.
-were comfort and luxury automotive's on the priority list for the government?
-sustainability issues for Indian farming.
-skill development and its necessity in present day India.
-Sachin Tendulkar and the Rajya Sabha Celeb entry list.

That 30-45 minutes of discussion which ensued gave me (a young blood, going to run the country in the future type chap)  a perspective from both houses, industry, bank lenders and of course my dad's views through a media perspective. Are we going wrong as a country? Should we be blaming the global slowdown as a measure of our slowed growth? Were we considering our spurted growth up to 2008 as a self spun result or were we riding the wave of globalization? Many questions, many answers, debates will ensue, work will be done, what are you doing? Will you play your part?

Give it a thought and let me know!

The paneer tikka didn't let me down.

*Roughly 75% of engagements and weddings we people attend, the names of the bride and groom are beyond us, we just go there for the food.
**Turns out that the bride and groom were popular soap stars, though I never noticed them on TV, but my mom was taken, as expected!
***Delhi won! Who'd have known, last ball victory!


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