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Showing posts from 2013

Hello Again!

This blog might I add is like the common man, it takes all the atrocities thrown at it and yet carries on. I can't apologize enough for not blogging more, too lazy, too busy is not an excuse. One can never be too busy is what someone said to me recently, or I read somewhere can't remember. Yes, its age which is catching up as well, its been that long I've blogged! So, December already! This year has been something! 13 has always been my lucky number and I'll always hold anything relating to this number dear to me. 2013 has been no exception. The year I bought my first car (first of many I hope!), long awaited and drooled over DSLR, a new lappy, among other inconsequential tangible knick knacks! iPod touch crashed a few days back trying to update to a new version, almost as sad as losing a dear friend. Works' been good, hectic and chaotic, just the way I like it! Keeps me occupied and leaves not a moment to ponder. Completed an year at the current job place be

Happy New Year!

Hey guys! No point talking about how I end up abandoning this blog and then returning back like a lost puppy! Happy New Year to you all, a tad late, but better late than never! A toast to more blogging and misadventures for the year to come! Cheers!