This comes from an individual who does not give two hoots to politics, its implications/repercussions. Some may raise questions on my attitude saying one must have a say about happenings in the country, its outlook on local, international and financial affairs. But it is my understanding that we all are Ogden Nash's born spectators, sitting in the sidelines watching things happen. We all might be vocal in our opinions, but seldom have the time to get down and dirty in the bullpen. We are the country of a billion people, and of that number there is a good mix of go-getter self starter types, and there are those who want for themselves and only themselves. Things tend to balance out and equilibrium is maintained. My point here being, the country is running and so it shall, with or without my opinions. At least in politics, I don't mind not having a say. What I am coming at is the recent wave of this candidate we chose to represent us, Herr Modi. Over the past few weeks this ...
"Heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight. But they while their companions slept, were drinking Complan in the night.."