This comes from an individual who does not give two hoots to politics, its implications/repercussions.
Some may raise questions on my attitude saying one must have a say about happenings in the country, its outlook on local, international and financial affairs. But it is my understanding that we all are Ogden Nash's born spectators, sitting in the sidelines watching things happen. We all might be vocal in our opinions, but seldom have the time to get down and dirty in the bullpen. We are the country of a billion people, and of that number there is a good mix of go-getter self starter types, and there are those who want for themselves and only themselves. Things tend to balance out and equilibrium is maintained. My point here being, the country is running and so it shall, with or without my opinions. At least in politics, I don't mind not having a say.
What I am coming at is the recent wave of this candidate we chose to represent us, Herr Modi. Over the past few weeks this individual has made clear that he wants the world to stand up and recognize India not for the land of snakes, but that of mice wielding wizards who are going to take over the world. When I watched his speech on Youtube where he addressed the crowd at Madison Square Garden cheered on by the diaspora, I could only imagine the sense of nationalistic pride that would have been felt by Germans hearing their famous Nazi leader speak, at his peak. Sly, witty remarks on how he faced the same problem as his brethren, finding it difficult procuring a visa, and how he has not taken a 15 min vacation while at the post of PM, this guy made it clear he was on a mission. Trait of a good leader is his oratorship, well, Herr Modi left his mark.
His recent outreach program, Mann ki baat, where he addresses the nation through the airwaves, refreshing change. At least we have a PM who speaks! I must also congratulate his PR team, its not easy to make a connection with the billion strong crowd we are.
There is an undoubted positive sentiment in the country, everyone has a feeling that this political messiah could lead the charge and deliver to the people the nation being sought. He got this apolitical minion to voice his opinion, he must be good!
Though not getting ahead of ourselves, this is just the beginning. Only time will tell if we all are Maja ma!
Image source: Financial Express
Some may raise questions on my attitude saying one must have a say about happenings in the country, its outlook on local, international and financial affairs. But it is my understanding that we all are Ogden Nash's born spectators, sitting in the sidelines watching things happen. We all might be vocal in our opinions, but seldom have the time to get down and dirty in the bullpen. We are the country of a billion people, and of that number there is a good mix of go-getter self starter types, and there are those who want for themselves and only themselves. Things tend to balance out and equilibrium is maintained. My point here being, the country is running and so it shall, with or without my opinions. At least in politics, I don't mind not having a say.
His recent outreach program, Mann ki baat, where he addresses the nation through the airwaves, refreshing change. At least we have a PM who speaks! I must also congratulate his PR team, its not easy to make a connection with the billion strong crowd we are.
There is an undoubted positive sentiment in the country, everyone has a feeling that this political messiah could lead the charge and deliver to the people the nation being sought. He got this apolitical minion to voice his opinion, he must be good!
Though not getting ahead of ourselves, this is just the beginning. Only time will tell if we all are Maja ma!
Image source: Financial Express