People who know me well enough know that I come up with theories on which I base proceedings. And well, most who know this are annoyed beyond comprehension by these blocks I've set for myself, which sometimes leaves them in the lurch! I understand that forming theories or creating these mental blocks can alienate people around me. My understanding of life is simple, there are patterns everywhere. Once someone is capable of identifying these patterns, the logical outcome of a situation is not very difficult to predict. When something new comes across, it fits in the brain as a new pattern docket, of which there are many! When patterns overlap, there is always a unique identifier which sets them apart, and then they Venn. So when a situation presents itself, dockets are scanned, patterns identified, outcome ascertained, and action taken. Now one of these theories is that of glass ceilings of thought. Lets see if I can articulate this: everyone has a specific IQ, everyone has...
"Heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight. But they while their companions slept, were drinking Complan in the night.."