Before I lose link to my blog, as I invariably do, I thought it best to get a few words in before I get busy again! The update is that I am back to the old Scottish town after what I might call a hectic India visit. It was really nice to meet friends and family and soak in a bit of the home weather after a span of more than an year. It was also nice to get to talk all the people I did, taking valuable advise from them about my career and future. Getting back to Glasgow with a fresh perspective on things, a new thought process and a motivated mindset, the last thing I wanted was to get sick. As all things, one never realizes the value of the body until something goes wrong with it! I was proud and boasted that I didn't get even a cold for more than two and a half years before I got sick this time around. Anyway, I am recovering now, and shouldn't be long before I am fit and fighting again.
What I meant to talk about was the fact that we as Indians pride ourselves on being able to mould ourselves into something which we are not. In perspective, the global economy we have become is partly based on this, but what I want to urge is not to take away the Indianness from ourselves. The gist is never forget your roots however far you go away. I quite hate myself for not being able to communicate fluently in Marathi as I used to, and end up speaking to a fellow Maharashtrian either in Hindi or English. I am not saying to forget English altogether, but to keep identity and not flow away in the vast meaningless world with a magnitude of cultures! As individuals we represent who we are, our background, culture and our beliefs, so it is necessary to keep that alive! I don't know why I am saying this and it must be sounding like gibbersih to most. I think its because of the new French flatmate Pierre, who speaks broken English and like every stout French loathes the English way of life! He was surprised when I told him I don't remember when I last wrote something in Hindi, let alone Marathi!! I think I'll write a letter in Hindi and mail it to someone! So, Bharat Mata Ki Jai, and Jai Maharashtra!