All you Formula 1 fans out there, F1 is finally coming to India, to Delhi specifically speaking!! Talks were going on(they always go on..and on) for the past ten years to get the F1 on track here in Gandhi land, now finally its a go! Few months ago liquor dude Mallya proposed to get the track as Rajpath and the surrounding roads around Parliament(as if we have less trouble there already!!), but good'ol Ernie wants a new track altogether. Hey, wouldn'tve been cool if the track was the same one they thought about earlier?? Burning rubber at 300km/hr+ in front of Rashtrapati Bhawan!! Where would the pits be? possibly inside the parliament!!
Anyways, the very fact that F1 is coming has got me super excited! Just to see the Ferrrari's and McLaren's zooming past and the sweet sound of the roaring v-8's would be a delight. The only thing I am worried about is the snails pace at which work is carried out here in Delhi, in India as a matter of fact! Alonso crosses the first high speed corner to find out that he has to take a detour because the road is not built completely!! Not to mention the potholes..! The Indian Grand Prix will be go in the 2009 season. Hope it works out!!
Anyways, the very fact that F1 is coming has got me super excited! Just to see the Ferrrari's and McLaren's zooming past and the sweet sound of the roaring v-8's would be a delight. The only thing I am worried about is the snails pace at which work is carried out here in Delhi, in India as a matter of fact! Alonso crosses the first high speed corner to find out that he has to take a detour because the road is not built completely!! Not to mention the potholes..! The Indian Grand Prix will be go in the 2009 season. Hope it works out!!
anyways you've been tagged!! check out my blog for details : http://sh-ithappens.blogspot.com