Hey guys! Its been ages since I wrote anything. I blame it on my lethargy, lack of motivation and frankly the non-existence of any time to do so! So here goes:
1. I am a Masters in International Management and Entrepreneurship graduate with Merit!!! Got my result a few weeks ago and was over the moon (which apparently has water on it)! See photo, how neatly ruined my desktop was!
2. I have finally decided to stay on here in UK for about half an year at-least to see if I can get a job or something like that, so applying for the visa in a couple of days.
3. I have been working my ass off, reason why I couldn't blog enough. Earning the dough can be quite a satisfying experience!
4. I finally managed to get out of Glasgow in September, went with the mates to Manchester, Blackpool and Newcastle by car on a much awaited road trip. High point: driving on UK highways, shot the Vauxhall Astra 1.6 to 123miles/hr, super!
5. Glasgow gets colder and colder (0 deg. as I type), nothing new though, its fun to see the new guys trying to adjust to life at Uni and the new city.
6. Had a meek Diwali, did nothing much, went to the temple. High points: sweets from India courtesy Arpit and Akhilesh who went back home on a break (lucky b*****ds)
7. Had an awesome Guy Fox night, the night which is like Diwali for Glaswegians with awesome night time fireworks, simply amazing!
8. Can't wait to get back to India for a break. really need one. I hope to make it there in Feb/March, hope to meet loads of people and travel like hell through villages and cities of the motherland!
Will upload pics asap!
Later, hopefully soon!